We have partnered factories and warehouses in North America, Asia & Europe. This means when ordering multiple products some items may be shipped separately as they arrive from our different warehouse regions.
We use a high security checkout procedure on our site to protect both the customer and us. This extends our processing time to 4 days as we fully verify our customers and fulfill orders. Following this your package will arrive between 4-15 business days depending on your geographic location and availability of stock.
We ship worldwide, so you can place an order from anywhere!
Warehouses and factory contacts are located in North America, Mainland Europe, & Asia.
Contact us at
We accept PAYPAL and all Major Credit Cards: VISA MasterCard, discover, American Express, JCB and many others....
Our checkout system is McAfee secured and based upon the Shopify platform; the highest security system on the market.
As the nature of our products to not permit for re-use or restocking , in order to protect ourselves as a Merchant, we only offer Refunds on items that arrive in a defective state.You must provide photographic/video evidence within reasonable doubt to our support team at to be eligible for a refund. Once the evidence is received and verified, you may ship the product back to our supply warehouse. This address will only be supplied to you once the return case is accepted, at which point the item is received, you will then be eligible for a full refund.
We do not sell our customer information. Due to data protection and our company policies this is not acceptable practise. Emails are strictly used to update you on information about your product and others. Occasionally we will send loyal customers discounts and gift cards.
For most countries you will not have to pay customs, however there may be exceptional circumstances when this will happen depending on your country and value of purchase.
The products are designed in Germany and are assembled in different countries in Asia.